Tree Care Service • Tree Removal
Contact Knotty Tree Service for your tree care needs. Knotty Tree Service is owner-operated, licensed, bonded and insured for your protection and extensively trained to meet any of your tree care needs. We are happy to provide hazard evaluations, reports, consultations, as well as pruning, removals, and stump grinding. We are extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of tree care.
Protect your home or business from potential hazardous tree damage. Contact Knotty Tree Service today. Certified Arborists will evaluate and correct your tree hazard problems. Our tree climbers are fully trained in the ANSI standards of pruning and removal of trees. At Knotty Tree Service we’ll take care of any trees that are dying and diseased, damaged from wind storms or accidents, likely to fall on your property, or simply outgrowing their space. You’ll save time, money, and hassle. We look forward to serving you!
Tree Climbing • Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Tree Cutting
Our training for tree climbing includes all of the skills required to
As tree climbers and arborists, we have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, sometimes performing difficult maneuvers over 100 feet in the air. Before climbing any tree, we thoroughly inspect it and make sure it is safe. Please contact us at Knotty Tree Service if you have a project that requires tree climbing, tree cutting or tree removal.
Contact Us Now!
Knotty Tree Service
Please feel free to contact us today.
Glenn Thompson-Owner. 253-777.1950
International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist
24-7 Emergency Services Are Available.