Logging takes skill, patience, and experience. Logging your own trees won’t be affordable in the long run. Contact the logging experts at Knotty Tree Service instead. We offer safe and experienced logging services. When you need reliable and skilled logging services contact Knotty Tree Service today.
Low-Impact Logging
As trained and certified arborists, we perform low-impact logging to leave a lighter footprint on your land. We do this by selective logging—only logging certain parts of your property. We also do the following:
Low-impact logging will contribute to sustaining forests and local community values, and will make your wooded lots more profitable over time. Such a low-impact logging strategy takes discipline and practice and can only come from certified arborists at Knotty Tree Service. Please call us today for a free estimate on low-impact logging in your area. |
Contact Us Now!
Knotty Tree Service
Please feel free to contact us today.
Glenn Thompson-Owner. 253-777.1950
International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist
24-7 Emergency Services Are Available.
email: glennknottytree@aol.com