Hazard Tree Evaluations • Tree Removal
Many of the hazards of oversized trees can be alleviated through early detection and assurance of a good environment for their health. At Knotty Tree Service, our Certified Arborists provide hazard tree evaluations, giving you solid evidence in court. If damage occurs from a neighbor’s tree, our report will hold your neighbor liable for damages. The court system respects the Arborist certification, and our track record for reliable and valid assessments of hazard trees. Hazard treeevaluations take many factors into account:
Hazard tree evaluations document any damages to your property. Hazard tree evaluations can raise awareness, so injuries and damages can be avoided. |
Contact Us Now!
Knotty Tree Service
Please feel free to contact us today.
Glenn Thompson-Owner. 253-777.1950
International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist
24-7 Emergency Services Are Available.
email: glennknottytree@aol.com